Album: retrospective
Genre: Screamo
Country of Origin: NYC, USA
Year: 2oo5
One of my favorite screamo bands of all time.
Saetia had numerous members throughout its existence, with frequent changes in membership. The band's first bass player, Alex Madara, was affected by a severe allergic reaction which placed him into a coma for eight days, finally resulting in his death on 1998-12-14.
Their drummer, Greg Drudy, was the original drummer of the indie-rock band Interpol prior to their current popularity. He currently runs the record label Level Plane. Other members of the band continued their musical careers in numerous outfits, some of them joining screamo bands such as Off Minor, Hot Cross, and The Fiction, as well as the nu-metal band Instruction.
Get it!
Check out the track Closed hands, one of the best examples true emotion in music i have ever heard.