Everyone who knows Finlands Ajattara knows of hateful metal about whores, hell and sin. well. this album is a bit different. Still the same old hateful Ajattara but.... acoustic. and with a Didgeridoo no less. And the bass parts played on a Nylon String acoustic. I had my doubts and they were squashed. Its nothing less of amazing. This is quite a huge departure from previous albums and it turned out very well. Good on them for taking a chance like this. Ikuisen Aamun Sara has even been described by some as "Tribal Rape Music"
1. keuhkosi
2. massat
3. mitä kuolema parantaa?
4. saatana palvoo meitä
5. saveen saarnattu
6. ikuisen aamun sara
7. kielletyn sanat
8. säkeitä riippuneesta lihasta
9. lammas
Heres a little preview in the form of the video for the single
Album Download
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