Well, since AE (along with it's music blog) seems to be pretty dead these days, i'm going to shamelessly link to my new blog. Wallswillalwaysbewrong.blogspot.com
Nice knowin' ya "The Sound of AE"
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Schifosi - half lit world

Artist: Shchifosi
Genre: Punk, Crust
Album: Half lit World
This shit is dope. Female fronted Australian downtuned crust.
Get that shit!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Squinch Owl - Homeward Bound
Friday, January 14, 2011

Artist: Nicholas Limczak
Album: Waking up hurts
Genre: Folk-punk
Super beautiful Folk Punk.
from the liner notes:
"We ended up on opposite sides of the country, in many senses of the word. Alaska is just about as different and as far away from Florida as you can get. But even though in the last few years Nick was alive, we only talked a few times a year, when we did, it was just like when we lived in the same town. The only thing that was different is that the last time I saw Nick he was happy. All the negativity of being stagnant for years, floating around from place ti place was washed away. He had found something that I still haven't. And in Classic Nick Fashion, he passed away when things were finally looking up for him. But i'm glad he actually got to feel at home, even if it was only for a short time. Nick died in Naples, Florida on December 6th, 2007. There was a formal viewing for family and friends before he was cremated and his ashes made there way back to Alaska He was laid to rest in a place that he visited daily. A celebration took place and people gathered, sang songs, told stories and remebered Nick in whatever way they saw fit. Here is a paraphrased retelling of that day from a friend who was there. It had been raining for 24 hours and the clouds stayed close to the ground. The sun tiredly surrendered and hid behind the mountain peaks. At first only a few people gathered in the little cove where, everyday, Nick walked his dog. Soon car load after car load of people appeared. People from all walks of life came to pay there respects. It hit me then how much he had grown and just how many lives he had touched. I was lucky enough to get to see Nick the last night he was alive. We visited, talked, drank, and spent time finding out what eachother had been doing as of late. At the end of the night we said our goodbye's. He was leaving to go back to Alaska and we knew we wouldn't see eachother for a while. it was the best possible way I could have goodbye to a friend."
Side one
Friday, June 4, 2010

Band: Liturgy
Album: Renihilation
Genre: Black Metal
Country of Origin: Brooklyn, USA
Year: 2oo9
Amazing Black metal album! Sprawling guitarscapes and endless torrents of percussion.

Band: I wrote haiku's about cannibalism in your yearbook
Album: Discography
Genre: Screamo
Location: California, USA
Amazing Emoviolence from California, members of Punch and Funeral Diner
Scoop dat shit
Monday, May 3, 2010

Album: retrospective
Genre: Screamo
Country of Origin: NYC, USA
Year: 2oo5
One of my favorite screamo bands of all time.
Saetia had numerous members throughout its existence, with frequent changes in membership. The band's first bass player, Alex Madara, was affected by a severe allergic reaction which placed him into a coma for eight days, finally resulting in his death on 1998-12-14.
Their drummer, Greg Drudy, was the original drummer of the indie-rock band Interpol prior to their current popularity. He currently runs the record label Level Plane. Other members of the band continued their musical careers in numerous outfits, some of them joining screamo bands such as Off Minor, Hot Cross, and The Fiction, as well as the nu-metal band Instruction.
Get it!
Check out the track Closed hands, one of the best examples true emotion in music i have ever heard.
Love lost but not forgotten

Band: Love lost but not forgotten
Album: Upon the right, i saw a new misery
Genre: Screamo
Country of Origin: Missouri, USA
Year: 2000
Hello AE, long time no post. this is my first post in a string of posts i will be making soon. But first off is Love Lost But not Forgotten. Amazing screamo band, if your fan of pg.99 you should get this.... that is if you haven't already.
Get it.
Friday, January 29, 2010
The Witchies

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
satanstompingcaterpillars - Flower Slides

satanstompingcaterpillars is the first incarnation of that spectacular fusion of psychedelic rock and electronica we all love, Black Moth Super Rainbow. Here's my favorite album of theirs- 2000's Flower Slides.
1. Aphid
2. Trillium
3. Oxeye
4. Satanstompingcaterpillars
5. Theexactsamenoiselevelasbirds
6. Moveintoblue
7. Goodbye Method
Get it here
Friday, January 22, 2010

Not much else to say. awesome albums uploaded for someone and i'd figure some of you peoples would appreciate some of them too. Included are:
Enslaved - Frost
Absurd - Der Fünfzehnjährige Krieg
Ahnenstahl - Zwischen Tod Und Leben
Angantyr - Sejr
Behemoth - And the Forests Dream Eternally EP
Cold Void/TOD - Black Metal Armageddon split
Darkest Hate Warfront - Satanik Annhilation Kommando
deathspell omega- si monvmentvm reqvires, circvmspice
Drudkh - First 4 albums *in the Drudkh Prt 1 and 2 rars*
Frozen Shadows - Dans les Bras Immortels
Helheim - Jormundgand
Helrunar - Baldr Ok Iss
Horde - Hellig Usvart
Isengard - Høstmørke and Vinterskugge
Kvist - Demo and For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike
Borknagr - Olden Domain
Silencer - Death, Pierce Me
Leviathan - Verrater
Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God
Xasthur - A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors
Wolven Ancestry - The Wrath Of Gaia
Slavia - Strength and Vision
Have fun
Friday, January 8, 2010
Warpaint - Exquisite Corpse

Album: Exquisite Corpse
Genre: dream-pop/shoegaze
Year: 2009 (but most of the songs have been around for longer I believe)
Heres a link to the song Billie Holiday, after listening you'll know if your onboard or not. It feels like the group has been around forever but this album has only (or rather finally) been released this past year. Dreamy, a little fuzzy around the edges, Warpaint has a sound that truly takes you elsewhere. And oh yeah, Shannyn Sossaman was originally the drummer for band.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Emmy the Great - First Love (Deluxe Edition)
Track List:
- Absentee
- 24
- We Almost Had A Baby
- The Easter Parade
- Dylan
- On The Museum Island
- War
- First Love
- The Easter Parade Part 2
- Bad Things Coming, We Are Safe
- Everything Reminds Me Of You
- City Song
- Edward Is Dedward
- A Bowl Collecting Blood
- Two Steps Forward
- Canopies And Drapes
P.O.S. - Never Better
Track List:
- Let It Rattle
- Drumroll (We're All Thirsty)
- Savion Glover
- Purexed
- Graves (We Wrote The Book)
- Goodbye
- Get Smokes
- Been Afraid
- Low Light Low Life
- The Basics (Alright)
- Out Of Category
- Optimist (We Are Not For Them)
- Terrorish
- Never Better
- The Brave And The Snake
Suffocate for Fuck Sake - Blazing Fires and Helicopters on the Front Page of the Newspaper. There's a War Going On and I'm Marching in Heavy Boots.

Album: Blazing Fires and Helicopters on the Front Page of the Newspaper. There's a War Going On and I'm Marching in Heavy Boots.
Genre: Post-Hardcore, Post-Rock, Post-Sludge Doom Metal
Country of Origin: Sweden
Year: 2008
Track List:
- Blue Lights and Sunshine
- I Got Worried... I Was so Freaking Scared of that Window, You Know
- We are Driving through Darkness
- Twentysix and Full of Plans
- A Japanese Flag
- I Keep my Eyes on the Ground, Afraid of Meeting Someone I Know
- Empty
- They Try to Cheer Me Up by Saying I Did Once Live a Functioning Life
Dessa - False Hopes
Track List:
- Mineshaft
- Everything Floats (feat. Cecil Otter)
- Press On (feat. Sims)
- 551
- Kites
Doomtree - Doomtree
Track List:
- Close Your Ears (Intro)
- Drumsticks
- Gander Back
- The Wren
- Gameshow Host
- Dots & Dashes
- Game Over
- Reak Class (interlude)
- Last Call
- Accident
- Sadie Hawkins
- The Walrus (interlude)
- Twentyfourseven
- Let Me Tell You, Baby
- Down the Line
- Kid Gloves
- Popgun War
- Reintroduction (interlude)
- Liver Let Die
- I'm Talking
- Jaded
The Blood Brothers - Crimes
Track List:
- Feed Me To The Forest
- Trash Flavored Trash
- Love Rhymes With Hideous Car Wreck
- Peacock Skeleton With Crooked Feathers
- Teen Heat
- Rats And Rats And Rats For Candy
- Crimes
- My First Kiss At The Public Execution
- Live At The Apocalypse Cabaret
- Beautiful Horses
- Wolf Party
- Celebrator
- Devastator
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Amanda Woodward - La Décadencede De La Décadence

Album: La Décadencede De La Décadence
Genre: Screamo
Country of Origin: France
Year: 2004
Track Listing:
- La Décadence De La Décadence
- Binaire Et Lisible
- "On" Est Un Con
- Le Temps Du Deuil
- Sous Le Feu Nourri
- Dans Le Cas Où Les Flammes
- Mise À Sac
- Massacre À La Poinconneuse
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